>>>> immune-enhancing nutrition
FishCareVet’s Yugen PRO
Available packaging : 750 grams and 2500 grams
Prijs : 750 gram kost 45 euro, 2500 gram kost 115 euro.
Yugen is a high-quality koi food that focuses on high digestibility combined with unique immune-boosting ingredients. This “PRO” version contains a higher dose of immunomodulator because it was thus found to be even more effective in providing protection against disease and illness. Yugen-PRO is recommended to be used in times of (imminent) weakened resistance (stress, transport, winter…),in case of emerging infectious diseases or as a preventive measure. Fish that develop superficial growths (carcinoma on lips, skin or fins) can also benefit from a course of treatment with Yugen-PRO.
Yugen-PRO contains no drugs, it will train the natural immune system in its own unique way, allowing fish to resist infections such as hole disease and sleeping sickness faster and better. As a result, they get sick less and recover faster. Application of this product is part of the philosophy of reduced use of antibiotics.
Is this the same product as Takazumi's Yugen feed?
Yugen PRO from FishCareVet is exactly the same as yugen from Takazumi BUT our PRO version contains a higher level of immunomodulator (almost 2x more). This is made especially so for us at Takazumi’s factory.
Is it the intention to feed this food permanently to my fish?
No, yugen is best given periodically to prevent your fish from getting used to the special ingredient contained in yugen. Basically, you give this food daily for 5 days and repeat every 1.5 to 2 months, 4 times in a year.
>>>> To spray on the feed
FishCareVet’s Immuno Boost SPRAY
Available packages: 250 ml
Price: A 250ml bottle costs 35 euros. For larger packages, request your custom quote.
Tip: Don’t throw away your packaging because we also have a refill pack. So we can refill your bottle at a better price and you have less waste which is better for the environment. This can only be done at home delivery during a consultation.
Instructions: Enrich your feed with this spray by spraying it directly onto the pellet at feeding time and letting it soak in for a while. Do not let the feed dry up completely. In this way, fish can maximize the use of the components. Apply this once or twice a week and in case of stress (weakened resistance), illness or treatment for a consecutive period of 10 days. The recommended dosage is 5 sprays per 100 grams of feed (5%)
This spray contains a selected mix of ingredients that each in their own way will strengthen the immune system of your koi or create conditions that fish will be less subject to harmful influences from the environment. All the ingredients in this spray are of natural origin and have immune-boosting, antioxidant or probiotic effects, among others. What is unique about this spray is that in addition to herbs, vitamins and minerals, it also contains probiotic bacillus bacteria AND B-glucan. Both of the latter substances have recently been extensively scientifically studied and applied specifically to fish as being effectively protective. FishCareVet’s Immuno-boost spray will train and boost the natural immune system in its own unique way, allowing fish to resist infections faster and better. As a result, they get sick less and recover faster. Application of this product is part of the philosophy of reduced use of antibiotics.
>>>> To put in the pond
FishCareVet’s Immuno Support MIX
Available packaging : 2500 ml (2.5 liters)
Instructions : Add this product to pond water at a dose of 1 liter per 10 cubic meters at times of stress (weakened resistance), disease or treatment. Preventively, it can be used at 1 liter per 40 cubic meters of pond water. For persistent infections, the product can be overdosed up to 3 times.
Price : 1 liter costs 35 euros, 2.5 liters cost 70 euros, 5 liters cost 125 euros.
Tip : For stubborn infections, the product can be overdosed up to 3 times.
This product contains a selected mix of ingredients that each in their own way will strengthen the immune system of your koi or create conditions that fish will be less subject to harmful influences from the environment. All ingredients are of natural origin and have immune-boosting, antioxidant or probiotic effects, among others. FishCareVet’s Immuno-support mix contains no drugs, it will support the natural immune system in its own unique way, allowing fish to resist infections such as hole disease and sleeping sickness faster and better. As a result, they get sick less and recover faster.
Application of this product is part of the philosophy of reduced use of antibiotics.
>>>> For the filter
FishCareVet’s Nitrifying Bacteria
Packaging available: there are no fixed packages, any volume is possible.
Price: 35 euros for 1 liter. 60 euros for 2 liters. 125 euros for 5 liters.
Important: this product will not be shipped due to difficult storage conditions. So it can only be picked up at the practice or delivered at a home visit.
This product contains live nitrifying bacteria tapped directly from a vat of live culture.
Application is useful in acute cases of elevation of ammonia and/or nitrite in ponds, sales tanks or quarantine systems.
Consume the product as soon as possible or store it temporarily in the refrigerator until its application.
The recommended dosage depends on water quality but will be between 1 liter per 5 to 10 cubic meters on average. 1 liter per cubic meter can be applied if needed (quarantine).
Bacteria that work consume oxygen so for proper function, plenty of oxygen in the pond water is recommended. Bacteria also work faster or slower according to temperature. Below 6°C, activity is negligible. Turn off UV and do not combine with disinfectant products or medications.
Shake before use.
Info and instructions
Dit product bevat levende nitrificerende bacteriën om direct te gebruiken in het geval van (kans op) ammoniak en/of nitriet verhoging. Liefst rechtstreeks in het filter of in de nabijheid van het biologisch medium (bewegend bed, (japanse) matten, trickle filter, siporex, etc.).
Onze bacteriën worden opgekweekt in de beste omstandigheden en continu getriggerd om actief te zijn en blijven. Op dat moment verbruiken ze veel zuurstof. Zodra we ze in een flesje gaan bottelen wordt de temperatuur verlaagd en zal het product beperkt houdbaar zijn. Buiten de frigo slechts een paar dagen, in de frigo een paar weken tot maanden. Het is dan ook aan te bevelen om het product op te gebruiken op korte termijn.
De aanbevolen dosis is 1 liter per 10 kuub water maar de dosis is sterk afhankelijk van de waterkwaliteit. Bij sterk verhoogde waarden van nitriet en ammoniak raden we eerder 2 liter per 10 kuub vijverwater aan. Overdoseren is onmogelijk. Filterbacteriën werken het snelst in warmere omstandigheden, liefst boven de 12 graden, minimale temperatuur van toepassing 8°C
Schakel bij elk gebruik de UV uit! Gebruik dit product ook niet in combinatie met bacteriedodende middelen zoals ontsmetting of antibiotica. Zorg voor voldoende KH-buffer en voorzie extra zuurstof want bij te lage zuurstofwaarden gaan de bacteriën niet optimaal werken en kunnen ze de beschikbare zuurstof voor de vissen in het gedrang brengen.
Dit product is 100% natuurlijk en vrij van pathogenen.
Bewaring in de frigo of in koele omstandigheden. Zo snel mogelijk op te gebruiken. Schudden voor gebruik.
Toepassing is aangewezen bij de volgende situaties :
- Opstarten van filters
- Reactiveren van filters na gebruik van medicijnen
- Boosten van filters in geval van verhoogde ammonia/nitriet waarden
Ons product bevat geen heterotrofe noch fotosynthetische bacteriën. Voor slibverwerking en vuilafbraak raden we dit product dan ook niet aan en zijn er voldoende alternatieven beschikbaar in de vijverhandel.
>>>> wondverzorging
FishCareVet’s Fin & Wound Repair
Beschikbare verpakkingen : spray flesje van 20ml
Instructies : wonden, zweren, ontstoken schubben worden best eerst gereinigd, afgestorven huid en/of schubben verwijderd, eventueel ontsmet met zuurstofwater, droog gedept en nadien behandeld met deze spray. Laat het even inwerken en blaas droog. Om het makkelijkst te werken wordt de vis best even verdoofd. Zorg dat het product niet in de kieuwen terecht komt.
Prijs : 1 flesje kost 18 euro
Tip : Draag handschoenen bij gebruik, let op want morsen kleurt ook langdurig andere materialen.
Een verzorgingsproduct met sterk helende werking.
Bevat een tinctuur van propolis waaraan M. Oxylaat is toegevoegd voor een langdurige en indringende werking.
Ideaal voor op de huid en / of vinnen.